Thursday, February 21, 2008


It seems that, for the time being, Little Tom and Paul have grown too busy for their podcasting responsibilities. Do not fret, child, for they will be back. We just need to wait for Paul to get off his ass and free up his internet addled brain for some honest work. DAMN I'm tired of waiting for that punk! And Tommy had an altercation with an automobile that resulted in a hit and run with a nun while driving carrying a Harry Chapin record. We as of yet have no idea as to who the plaintiff is, but given Tom's affinity for folk music things don't look good.

Stay tuned for more utter crap.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

No Fear For the Holidays, Loyal Listners!

We at Better Bitter Banter would like to extend holiday cheer to all of our listeners and their family, friends, potential future listener statistics etc., etc. 3 Cheers!

Now, we know that nearly an entire month has gone by since our last episode, but we would like to ensure everyone of our subscribers that we nearly have the next show complete! It is only that the accumulation of the ends of various arbitrary time-spans such as semesters, years, anniversaries have forced Little Tom and Paul to place the show on the back-burner for the month. We apologize and would like to invite you to stick around a little bit longer for the next great addition to the tradition of Better Bitter Banter!

Peace, Love and Celebratory High Calorie Diets for one and all!


Friday, November 30, 2007

Hey, there's no episode this week?!?

Yes, its true. Sad, yea, all the more. But this week Lil' Tom and Paul have been unable to cobble a show of proper quality together.

Is this because they've began to slip? Maybe their breakneck pace has finally caught up to them. The literal weeks of constant production taking their toll on not just their own will but the peace and mind of their families and friends? Their loved ones caving in to the pressure of their constant absence and, and, even when they ARE here all they do is practice their banter and then even after you get one of them alone they can't stop talking like the next big joke is right around the corner!

E-HEMH! Perhaps.

Maybe they've run out of jokes. Maybe the 30 minutes a week is too much material to pull out of a simple phone call during a drive home?

Yeah. And maybe you should look out your window to make sure the world stopped happening.

Look, the boys are excited for the next show, but just not this week. This week, we all take a step back.

Take a step back and look toward the future.

See you next week, folks.


PS. Some time has been dedicated to the whole (finger quotes) Player-Plays-Shows-At-Slower-Speeds-Than-You'd-Think (end finger quotes) problem. We're putting all of our resources towards making sure you never have to listen to the show in any other format than the format your wanna. (Paul's taking it kind of personal and many heads may roll.)

So iTunes, podcatchers gallore or right off the should all work soon.

Even More Love.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Episode 6 is here!!! How can you contain your jubilance you jealous rock stars you?!?

Thats right!!!

The Skeptics are quoted: "We have no idea what the Believers actually believed, but we hope it puts being devoured by a colony of giant mantises into a better context."

Show 6 Notes:

1.) Fire it up!!!
2.) Give it up for Mr. Fancypants in the shinny uniform.
3.) A Random Sampling of Paul's Life...leads to a startling conclusion!
4.) Tommy's Job.
5.) The case for making Christopher Robin a ward of the state.
6.) Paul Recommends.
7.) Not about kiddnapping.
8.) Outro/Shameless self-promoters.
9.) Bonus Track

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

We apologize for the strange slowness of our show...

Lil' Tom and Paul store their shows online @ both PodOmatic and Our Media. The large player to the right is from PodOmatic via Feedburner, and the small one in the post below is from Our Media.

Follow these links to our source files, and you will hear how the show should actually sound: FUNNY.


Our Media

Also it seems to work fine in iTunes.

And you're right. It does seems strange that two files from two different sources in two players have the same problem...but there you have it.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Things were a bit askew, now rightened, anew. Phew!!!

Sorry for the confusion, folks, you may have noticed that in the last 20 or so hours that Episode 5 was posted, that the show sounded a bit like Episode 4. That's because Paul linked the wrong file to the feed.

And he is most chagrined.

Now all things should be corrected, so no hard feeling and on with the show!!!

Just a reminder, subscribe in iTunes, give us a fancy 5-star review in the music store and please please please vote in the pole down a ways a bit in the right sidebar of this blog.

Thanks and look for a new episode of Better Bitter Banter coming soon!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

That's Right!!! Episode 5 is HERE!!!

The mountain passes prove perilous but not as menacing as the mantises multitude!

Show 5 Notes:

1.) Intro/International Hello!
3.) Better Get To Know A Bitter Banter-er #1,
AKA Farcical Experiment in Media Abstraction (FEMA)
4.) Opportunistic
5.) *Deleted Scene: Clowns
6.) Outro

Yep, the feed should update shortly. Please vote in the poll below, and enjoy everybody!!